Heathland Bird Survey 2025

 Very soon I shall be looking for surveyors for this survey once I get a confirmation of the list of sites (1 km2 squares) and the system to support it has been implemented. Then region has some extended sites, such as Strensall Common, which will be picked up by study groups already monitoring them, but I am expecting plenty of other sites for anyone who wishes to help.

Although named Heathland Bird Survey, it will cover all habitats used by three key heathland species: Woodlark, Dartford Warbler and Nightjar. Therefore, there will also be some sites available in forested areas in the north of the region, for instance, for Nightjars. In the York Region, we will be covering Woodlark from mid-February to the end of May and Nightjars from the end of May to mid-July. As well as looking to record the target species, there is a need for observations of 12 other heathland assemblage bird species, such as Cuckoo, Curlew and Hobby.

The BTO’s website has more information of what will be involved and what skills are required: https://www.bto.org/our-science/projects/heathland-birds-survey. You will be able to sign up here once the system is live.

Breeding Bird Survey availability for 2024

I have two Breeding Bird Survey squares available for regular coverage. One, in SE76 near to Claxton, is on farmland, the other is a suburban square in SE77 in the south of Norton. The BBS monitors the population changes of the UK’s common and widespread breeding bird species. Check out https://www.bto.org/our-science/projects/breeding-bird-survey for the survey methods or email me for more information.

In addition to these two squares, I have one in SE56 on farmland that the regular surveyor will struggle to cover fully this year, so that is available too for 2024.

If you are able to identify UK breeding birds by sight, song and call and are interested in taking part, please email me - the link is in the panel to the right.

BBS 2023 update

 The following are still available, please contact me to volunteer:

 SE6169 north of Farlington

 SE7970 Sutton Grange, Norton

National Woodcock Survey 2023

Since the previous national survey in 2013, there has been annual monitoring of Woodcocks with six to eight sites being visited each year. The first national survey was in 2003, so 2023 sees the third to provide updated population estimates and investigate the causes of the ongoing decline in breeding Woodcock numbers.

In order to do our part to achieve high coverage, I am looking for coverage at four priority sites in addition to the six covered last year. Two volunteers have already come forward and, if I can cover the other two, there is possibility of another three becoming available. 

So please contact me if you would like to take part at a site near Garrowby Hill and one north of Dunnington. The map of survey squares is publicly visible on the main Woodcock Survey page at www.bto.org/woodcock.

Breeding Bird Survey 2023

Shortly, I shall be checking with the current BBS volunteers to see if they will be continuing with their square this year. Most regular surveyors do revisit their squares each year, which is good for the continuity of the survey, but there is usually some turnover as volunteers retire or move house. There could, therefore, be some others coming free but currently I am looking for surveyors for the following:

 SE6169 north of Farlington

 SE6655 Brockfield

 SE6979 West Ness

 SE7366 north of Kirkham

 SE7970 Sutton Grange, Norton

2022 surveys looking for volunteers


I am looking for some volunteers to help with some BTO surveys that need covering in the York Region. If you would like to help, please email me using the link in the right hand panel or else request through the website links.

Breeding Bird Survey (BBS) – annual survey

Three squares available – SE6169 north west of Sheriff Hutton; SE6979 at West Ness and SE7366 north of Kirkham.

The survey involves a recce visit and two early-morning spring visits to an allocated 1-km square, to count all the birds you see or hear while walking two 1-km lines across the square.

Further information about the survey can be found at https://www.bto.org/our-science/projects/breeding-bird-survey.


Breeding Waders of Wet Meadows – single year survey

10 Lapwing plots and one AES field plots available in SE53 (1), SE63 (1), SE64 (1), SE65 (1), SE74 (1), SE75 (4) and SE76 (2).

The survey will require three daytime visits, with at least one week separating each, and a single dusk visit for Snipe during May - only if present at the site.

For maps and to request sites, please go to https://www.bto.org/our-science/projects/breeding-waders-wet-meadows.


Woodcock Survey – annual survey

One site available near Sand Hutton and potentially another near Dunnington.

Three visits around dusk in May and June to record roding birds.

For more details on the survey see https://www.bto.org/our-science/projects/woodcock-survey.

Breeding Bird Survey 2021

In recent years up to 2020, coverage had been running at or just under 40 squares for the BBS and four WBBS sites. Last year Covid-19 restrictions prevented early season visits but a remarkable 75% of allocated BBS squares did have late season visits, with three of the WBBS sites covered too.

Although not all regular surveyors have confirmed, I do know that the following sites are available:

  • SE5974 – Martin’s Plantation, near Yearsley;
  • SE6169 – north of Farlington;
  • SE7774 – Swinton Ings;
  • SE7839 – Seaton Ross;
  • SE7961 – Acklam Wold;
  • SE6750 – south of Dunnington. 
  • Furthermore, there is a WBBS site along the River Ouse from York south to Naburn. 
Please contact me to volunteer and for more information.