Atlas records in BirdTrack Explore My Records

A slightly belated Happy New Year to you all.

Here's a message about the availability of your Atlas records in BirdTrack from Dawn Balmer, the Atlas Coordinator.

The BTO IT team have managed to incorporate Atlas records in the BirdTrack 'Explore My Records' (EMR) tool! Individuals can now explore, graph, map and download their Atlas records just as they can their BirdTrack ones, using the BirdTrack system. The default setting in the EMR 'Project' filter is 'BirdTrack & Atlas' but you can also opt to access records from one of the two projects in isolation.

This exciting development represents a big step forward in the integration of the online projects. More importantly in the immediately post-(national)Atlas fieldwork period, it offers Atlasers a wide range of new ways to interact with their own records. I would urge you to have a look at BirdTrack EMR (particularly those of you who have - up until now - primarily submitted your records through the Atlas system.

There's a screenshot of, and plug for, this new system on the BirdTrack homepage

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