For the last week or so, I have been checking who is continuing with their Breeding Bird Survey sites. Last year's total was 39 squares surveyed, which was a record year for the York Region - brilliant effort from everyone. So there's a challenge there to beat that record in 2014.
If you do the survey an haven't got back to me, please let me know whether you wish to carry on. If you haven't done it and would like to volunteer, please contact me. I do get some turnover of squares so there's a good chance to getting something. The squares are randomly selected, though, so I can't promise one on your doorstep.
The BBS-Online website will be updated in time for the new season and will include improvements in habitat and mammal recording as well as a different way of entering your data. It will also allow the recording of WBBS data. We have 4 routes covered in the region for the WBBS.
BBS this year will also introduce the recording of detection method. This is optional but please give it a go, let me know how it works for you. See the revised instructions in the pack.