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Tawny Owl Point Survey

The BTO's first survey that forms part of Project Owl, called the Tawny Owl Point Survey, is under way. There are still three priority tetrads available in SE56 in the Tollerton and Easingwold area and one in SE53, south of Sherburn.
This is a point survey where observers count from a central point for 20 minutes on two or three visits to a tetrad. The survey period started in August and continues to October, with follow up counts in the spring, but I am still looking for volunteers.

The counts ideally should be done within a two week period, weather dependent. It would be suitable for beginners to surveys as well as those more experienced though one may have to travel and it will be after sunset.
The survey is using a pattern of 10km squares across the country, with a regular pattern of tetrads within these. There are two 10km squares selected within the region: SE53 and SE56.

Information is on the BTO website at Signing up for tetrads is done through the website using normal BTO credentials and registering for the survey. That will send a request to me for approval. There is a map so you can see where they are.

BBS 2018

All data from the 2018 Breeding Bird Survey in the York Region have been returned to the BTO. This year we equalled the record for numbers of squares covered - 40. This is a great effort by all surveyors. Many thanks to all.

In addition all four Waterways BBS stretches were covered.

March 2018 - Newsletter

I have recently written a newsletter for members and surveyors about what is going on in the York Region, giving a summary of 2017 surveys and what is coming up. This is available as a pdf, please use the contact details in the right side-panel to email me if you want a copy.