Breeding Waders of Wet Meadows 2020

This year sees a repeat of a survey from the early 2000s to assess the status of England's breeding waders. A number of key sites will be covered by Natural England notably in the Lower Derwent Valley. However, there are plenty of opportunities to help out with visiting randomly selected Lapwing plots and sites which have stewardship agreements.

The site list has just reached me and I will post updates on here as well as sending out emails to local members and via Yorkbirding. After 9th March there will be a facility on the BTO website to request specific sites, look out for that.

If you are interested please use the send email function on the right of the website to let me know.

UPDATE - The request squares function is now available at

Breeding Bird Survey 2020

After another successful year in 2019 when 39 squares were covered in the York Region, I am looking for a few volunteers for this year's BBS. I have squares available near Byland Abbey in SE57, Acklam Wold in SE76 and Swinton Ings SE77. There will also likely be a square in SE66 available too.

Please contact using the email feature on this site.