Heathland Bird Survey 2025
Very soon I shall be looking for surveyors for this survey once I get a confirmation of the list of sites (1 km2 squares) and the system to support it has been implemented. Then region has some extended sites, such as Strensall Common, which will be picked up by study groups already monitoring them, but I am expecting plenty of other sites for anyone who wishes to help.
Although named Heathland Bird Survey, it will cover all habitats used by three key heathland species: Woodlark, Dartford Warbler and Nightjar. Therefore, there will also be some sites available in forested areas in the north of the region, for instance, for Nightjars. In the York Region, we will be covering Woodlark from mid-February to the end of May and Nightjars from the end of May to mid-July. As well as looking to record the target species, there is a need for observations of 12 other heathland assemblage bird species, such as Cuckoo, Curlew and Hobby.
The BTO’s website has more information of what will be involved and what skills are required: https://www.bto.org/our-science/projects/heathland-birds-survey. You will be able to sign up here once the system is live.