Breeding Bird Survey 2008

2008 has been another excellent year for numbers of squares covered in the region. I now have results from 30 squares and we could top the record of 31 set last year if some of the outstanding squares come in. 79 species were recorded this year and nearly 5,600 individuals counted. Highlights include a Little Grebe, 954 Woodpigeons, 5 Yellow and 5 Grey Wagtails, 2 Spotted Flycatchers, 5 Nuthatches and 3 Siskins.

The WBBS is a similar survey where transects run alongside rivers or canals. I have results for 2 of the 4 sites in the region with one other to come, one site unfortunately wasn't covered this year.

And this has been done at the same time as work on the Atlas - well done to everyone involved.

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